“I wish I hadn’t shown everyone these logos. Now I’m just confused.”

“I love this design, but Mary says it reminds her of ________.”

“My office manager doesn’t like orange because ________________.”

Sometimes when we’re creating a new logo, brochure or marketing effort for a client, we hear statements like these. Usually, they result in stress for the decision-maker and delays in unveiling these new efforts.

At Virginia Creative Group, we want your brand to be the best it can be. And as your brand champions, we think it’s necessary to tell you:

Think carefully about who you get involved in the decision-making process. Only include those whose opinions are essential.

If you involve everyone, it can put you in a sticky situation. Since getting everyone to agree is nearly impossible, you will undoubtedly make a decision that goes against someone’s opinion. If you are going to have a team vote, be willing to accept the outcome (which might be based on subjective points of view).

Your team members are brand ambassadors, but that doesn’t mean all of them need to be involved in every branding decision.

At Virginia Creative Group, every option we give you has strategy and passion behind it. We only give you options that work…so ultimately you can’t go wrong. Yet if you are the responsible party, you have to love it. Trust your gut. And if you need input, involve 2-3 people who can offer objective opinions and see things through your patients’ eyes.

Need a partner to help you define your direction and achieve great results? Contact us today at 757.903.6356!

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