As we enter 2016, we have some exciting news about who we serve. It’s a direction we’ve been headed in for years, but today we are ripping the Band-Aid and making it official:

5Our focus is now entirely on helping medical and dental practices!

Of course, we have some amazing longtime clients who don’t fall into this category—and we will continue to serve them as long as they’ll have us, but moving forward, we will only be accepting medical and dental practices as new clients.

Why? Because it’s time for us to narrow our focus. Medical and dental marketing is what we do best. Sure, you can be good at everything. But to be remarkable, you have to focus.

We are so passionate about serving medical practices because they serve people. Our clients are patient-centered, service-based, and they are all good-hearted. Like our clients, we are dedicated to providing the best service we can. To reference the month of August in our 2016 client calendar,

“Use your God given gifts to serve others.” -1peter4:10

Our clients have taken oaths to serve others. And by pledging to solely serve medical and dental practices, this is our oath.

To make it official, see our refreshed website that’s focused on medical practice marketing.